Projecte Fonts
The aim of the Projecte Fonts (Springs project) is to find out the state of Catalonia’s springs, by performing physicochemical analysis of their water and the identification of the bryophyte communities that are established in those springs. We have recently started a long-term monitoring scheme for some of the already sampled springs to assess temporal patterns in spring biodiversity
Principal investigator:
Dr. Marcos Fernández-Martínez
Institució Catalana d'Història Natural
Institut d'Estudis Catalans
Type of project: Not competitive
Reference: Not available
Host institutions:
Delegació de la Serralada Litoral Central
Funding: Scarce
Start date: 26 January 2013
End date: Ongoing
Webpage: Projecte Fonts
Working team:
Jordi Corbera
Dr. Catherine Preece
Prof. Francesc Sabater